Atlantic CommTech Corp

In July 2022, Atlantic CommTech Corp was awarded a contract by the US Air Force for ”engineering services and technical expertise as needed to improve sustainability, extend service life of WS3 [Weapon Storage and Security System], and ensure systems continue to meet US Air Force in Europe and NATO requirements”.1 While the current description of the contract on the US DOD website adds that work will be carried out ”in various oversea locations”, other descriptions explicitly mention the Lakenheath Airbase in the United Kingdom2, which, according to experts, may again become a storage location for U.S, nuclear bombs.3 The contract value is $11.2 million and work is expected to be complete by July 2025. A similar contract held by Atlantic CommTech Corp for services in support of the WS3 of bases in Europe concluded in October 2022.4

Last updated: 2024-06-20 11:49:52

  1. Contracts for July 18, 2022 (2022) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022).
  2. CONTRACT to ATLANTIC COMMTECH CORPORATION | USAspending, 18 July 2022. Available at:  (Accessed: 25 October 2022).
  3. Hans Kristensen,  ‘Lakenheath Air Base Added To Nuclear Weapons Storage Site Upgrades’, Federation of American Scientists Blogs, 11 April 2022. Available at:
  4. Contracts for September 9, 2016 (2016) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022); CONTRACT to ATLANTIC COMMTECH CORPORATION | USAspending, 12 September 2016. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2022).