BWX Technologies (BWXT) supplies nuclear components and fuel to the U.S. government and commercial clients.[i] Under a $300 million contract, BWXT manufacturers and delivers naval reactors for U.S. submarines, including the nuclear armed Ohio and Columbia-class submarines.[ii] In earlier Don’t Bank on the Bomb analyses, BWXT was listed as a fully profiled company, among others for its involvement in missile tube assemblies for nuclear armed submarines, which ended in 2023.[iii] BWXT now also leads PanTexas Deterrence, the joint venture that manages and operates the Pantex Plant – the primary U.S. site for nuclear weapons assembly – since October 2024.[iv] Furthermore, BWXT is part of the Lawrence Livermore National Security consortium, that manages and operates the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the lead design agency for the life extension program for the life extension W80-4 cruise missile warhead (for the Long Range Standoff Weapon)[v] and the modification program of the W87-1 warhead (for the Sentinel ICBM)[vi].[vii] Financial data on BWXT was not available in our research timeline.
[i] WHAT WE DO (no date) | BWX Technologies. Available at: What We Do – BWX Technologies, Inc. | People Strong, Innovation Driven (Accessed: 20 December 2024).
[ii] BWXT Announces $300 Million Contract for Naval Nuclear Reactor Fuel. BWX Technologies, 24 October 2023. Available at: BWXT Announces $300 Million Contract for Naval Nuclear Reactor Fuel.
[iii] Dan parsons, ‘BWXT rounds out launch tube manufacturing for Navy ballistic missile subs’, Exchange Monitor, 1 March 2024. Available at: BWXT rounds out launch tube manufacturing for Navy ballistic missile subs – ExchangeMonitor | Page 1.
[iv] NNSA awards Pantex Management and Operating contract ., 13 June 2024. Available at: NNSA awards Pantex Management and Operating contract | Department of Energy; ‘PanTeXas Deterrence assumes leadership at Pantex Plant under new 20-year contract’, Amarillo Globe-News, 7 November 2024. Available at: PanTeXas Deterrence assumes leadership at Pantex Plant.
[v] W80-4 Life Extension Program’(2023). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at: W80-4_1123.pdf (
[vi] ‘W87-1 Modification Program’ (2023). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at: W87-1_1123.pdf.
[vii] ‘Fiscal Year 2024 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan’, National Nuclear Security Administration (2023), pp. F-6 – F-7. Available at: FY24SSMP_FINAL_NOVEMBER_2023_0.pdf (
Last updated: 2025-02-27 20:11:30