The Alternative Bank Schweiz (ABS) is a Swiss ethical bank. It provides retail banking and
Category: Hall of Fame
These financial institutions have a policy that prohibits investments in nuclear weapons producers.
Andra AP-Fonden (AP2) (Sweden)
The Andra AP-Fonden, or AP2, is one of the six state-owned pension funds in Sweden.
ABP (the Netherlands)
ABP is the pension fund for employers and employees working for the Dutch government and
DNB (Norway)
DNB (Den Norske Bank) is Norway’s largest financial services group, serving 2.1 million retail customers

Beyond the Bomb: these investors are rejecting nuclear weapons
Our research shows more and more financial institutions are saying no to nuclear weapons.
De Volksbank
Previously called SNS Bank, De Volksbank is a Dutch retail banking group with a focus
MP Pension
MP Pension is the Danish pension fund for masters of arts and science and PhD’s
Green Century
Green Century is a US-based fund manager with a focus on sustainability. It was founded
Future Super
Future Super is an Australian superannuation fund. On 24 June 2017, the Future Super fund
Australian Ethical (Australia)
Australian Ethical is an Australian investment manager and superannuation fund.[i] At the end of 2016,