China Aerospace Science and Technology (CASC)

China Aerospace Science and Technology (CASC) is involved in the Chinese nuclear arsenal.

Nuclear Weapons |  Investments

Company Profile

China Aerospace Science and Technology (CASC) is part of China’s state-owned (aero)space and defence industry.1 The company has eight large R&D and production complexes, 11 specialized companies, 13 listed companies and a number of directly affiliated units. It is engaged in space products and strategic and tactical missile systems. CASC is the only broadcast and communications satellite operator in China.2 CASC generated $38.7 billion in revenue in 2021.3[iii]

Contact information

16 Fucheng Road,
Haidian District,
Beijing 100048,

Nuclear weapons

China is developing new types of intermediate and long-range ballistic missiles for its nuclear arsenal, notably the DF-26.4 CASC states that it is the only manufacturer of intercontinental strategic nuclear missiles in China.5


2022 Investments


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2021 Investments



All forms of financing meeting the definition of substantive financial relationships are included in the report. This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2019, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2020. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

More nuclear weapon producers


Last updated: 2025-02-19 20:28:57



  1. Company profile (2018) | China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. Available at:
  2. Ibid.
  3. China Aerospace Science & Technology Company Profile, News, Rankings | Fortune. Available at: (Accessed: 9 August 2022).
  4. Lu Hui, ‘China’s National Defense in the New Era’, Xinhua Net, 24 July 2019.  Available at:
  5. Strategic Nuclear Missiles (2018) | China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. Available at: