Fluor is involved the joint venture that produces Tritium for the US nuclear arsenal.
Nuclear Weapons | Investments (years compared) (2021) (2020) (2019)
Nuclear weapons
Fluor is the lead partner in Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS), a joint venture with Honeywell and Stoller Newport News Nuclear (SN3, part of Huntington Ingalls).3 Since 2008, SRNS remains responsible for the management and operation of the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site and Savannah River National Laboratory, which produces nuclear components for nuclear weapons.4 The contract5 with a potential value of $18 billion6 was extended in September 2022 by five more years.7
In November 2021, Nuclear Production One, a joint venture between Amentum and Fluor, was awarded the contract to manage and operate the Y-12 National Security Complex and the Pantex Plant, 8 However, this contract award was terminated in May 2022 when the US Department of Energy announced it would hold two new competitions for separate contracts to manage each site.9 [su_divider top="yes" size="5"]
Investments compared
Click on the institution to see if and how they've invested in the past. Red indicates a new investor in 2021. Green indicates investors that ended their involvement by 2021.
Last updated: 2025-02-19 20:32:19
- Services (2022) | Fluor. Available at: https://www.fluor.com/services.
- ‘Forward Focused: 2021 Annual Report’, Fluor (2022), p. 33. Available at: https://s201.q4cdn.com/930516572/files/doc_financials/2021/ar/2021-Fluor-Annual-Report.pdf.
- Our Parent Companies (2010) | SRNS. Available at: https://www.savannahrivernuclearsolutions.com/about/parent.htm.
- Amy F. Woolf and James D. Werner (2021) ‘The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Overview of Department of Energy Sites’, Congressional Research Service, p. 19. Available at: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45306.
- Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC Contract (no date) Energy.gov. Available at: https://www.energy.gov/srs/articles/savannah-river-nuclear-solutions-llc-contract (Accessed: 28 September 2022).
- CONTRACT to SAVANNAH RIVER NUCLEAR SOLUTIONS, LLC. | USAspending, 10 January 2008. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_DEAC0908SR22470_8900_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 28 September 2022).
- U.S. Department of Energy Extends Fluor-led Savannah River Site Management and Operating Contract through September 2027. FLUOR Newsroom, 29 September 2022. Available at: https://newsroom.fluor.com/news-releases/news-details/2022/U.S.-Department-of-Energy-Extends-Fluor-led-Savannah-River-Site-Management-and-Operating-Contract-through-September-2027/default.aspx.
- Amentum Team Awarded $28 Billion Y-12 National Security Complex and Pantex Plant Management Contract. Amentum Press Release, 30 November 2021. Available at: https://www.amentum.com/amentum-team-awarded-28-billion-y-12-national-security-complex-and-pantex-plant-management-contract/;
NNSA Awards Management and Operations Contract for Y-12, Pantex. Energy.gov, 29 November 2021. Available at: https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/articles/nnsa-awards-management-and-operations-contract-y-12-pantex. - NNSA cancels Y-12, Pantex contract award, to hold new competitions for separate site management contracts. Energy.gov., 16 May 2022. Available at: https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/articles/nnsa-cancels-y-12-pantex-contract-award-hold-new-competitions-separate-site.