Future Super

Future Super is an Australian superannuation fund. On 24 June 2017, the Future Super fund transferred away from the Grosvenor Pirie Master Super Fund and became a stand-alone superannuation fund. At the end of October 2017, Future Super had 8500 members and $275 million (€225 million) in assets under management.[1]

The ethical mandate for the fund says that “Future Super seeks to avoid investment in the following activities and to exclude these activities from the Fund’s investments: armaments and militarism, support for regressive regimes, or operations in countries of concern; uranium and nuclear energy; the financing or support of activities that cause environmental or social harm“.[2] Companies involved in the “production of armaments“, including all nuclear weapon producers, are fully excluded from investments. Future Super also excludes financial companies that are significant providers of finance to armaments and other social harm.[3]

The policy applies to all assets, managed internally or externally. The Future Super Group is also contracted as a service provider and has helped create the investment methodologies, and performs the ethical screening, for two Exchange Trade Funds of the company Betashares, Both of these ETFS specifically exclude companies involved in armaments, nuclear energy and uranium. [4]

Future Super does not have a publicly available exclusion list. However, it does publish a list of companies and assets that it invests in on its website.[5]

Website: Twitter: Facebook:
www.myfuturesuper.com.au @myfuturesuper www.facebook.com/myfuturesuper

[1] Future Super, written correspondence with PAX, 19 November 2017.

[2] Future Super, “Product Disclosure Statement”, 24 June 2017, Page 5, Future Super website (https://content.myfuturesuper.com.au/forms-docs/FS_PDS.pdf), viewed 23 January 2018.

[3] Future Super, written correspondence to PAX, 19 November 2017.

[4] Future Super, written correspondence to PAX, 19 November 2017; Future Super, written correspondence to PAX, 30 November 2017.

[5] Future Super, written correspondence to PAX, 30 November 2017; Future Super, “Choosing Investments”, Future Super website (https://www.myfuturesuper.com.au/choosing/investments), viewed 23 January 2018.

Last modified 6 July 2018