Honeywell International

Honeywell is involved in US nuclear weapon facilities as well as producing key components for the US Minuteman III ICBM and the Trident II (D5) system, currently in use by the US and UK.

Nuclear Weapons |  Investments (years compared) (2021) (2020) (2019)

Company Profile

Honeywell International is involved in aerospace, building technologies, performance materials & technologies, and safety & productivity solutions.1 The company builds key components for the US nuclear arsenal and is also involved in management and operations of several US nuclear weapon production facilities. In the financial year ending 31 December 2021, Honeywell International announced sales of $34,392 million.2

Stock exchange listing


Contact information

Honeywell International
300 S Tryon St Suite 500,
Charlotte, NC 28202,
United States

Nuclear weapons

Honeywell will work on guidance and missile electronics in developing the Sentinel, the new US ICBM, also known as the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.3

Honeywell is the original equipment manufacturer of the Pendulous Integrating Gyroscopic Accelerometer guidance instrument for the Minuteman III, and identified as the only possible producer of this key nuclear missile component. The current contract has a potential value of  $88.5 million and will run through at least October 2023.4 In March 2022, Honeywell was awarded a six-year $74.1 million contract for its repair.5

Honeywell states it has been supporting US national security goals “since the dawn of the nuclear age”.6 Today, Honeywell operates four sites for the US Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration through joint-venture partnerships: Kansas City National Security Campus, Nevada National Security Site, Sandia National Laboratory and Savannah River Site.7

Since 2015, Honeywell Federal Solutions has been managing and operating the National Security Campus (NSC) (formerly Kansas City Plant), the facility responsible for producing an estimated 85%8 of the non-nuclear components for US nuclear weapons, including electronic, chemical and engineered material components.9 This includes production of the gas transfer system and the arming, fuzing, and firing subsystem of the W88 Alt 370 warhead for the Trident II submarine-launched ballistic missiles.10 The 10-year contract has a potential value of $13.7 billion.11

Sandia National Laboratory is directly involved in the nuclear weapon modernisation programmes of at least the W88 Alt 37 warhead12 13 and the W76-1 warhead14 ((both used for arming the submarine-launched Trident II (D5) missiles)), the new W80-4 warheads for the Long Range Standoff missiles15, and the new B61-12 gravity bomb.16 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS), a ”wholly-owned subsidiary” of Honeywell, has the management and operations contract . The contract, with a potential total value of $43.3 billion, runs until April 2027.17 Northrop Grumman and Universities Research Association18 support NTESS in the performance of this contract.19

Fluor is the lead partner in Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS), a joint venture with Honeywell and Stoller Newport News Nuclear (SN3, part of Huntington Ingalls)20 that operates the Savannah River Site, where plutonium and tritium are processed for nuclear warheads.21 In September 2022, SRNS received a five-year contract extension for this work, with a potential value of  $12 billion.22

Together with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., and Huntington Ingalls International subsidiary HII Nuclear Inc., Honeywell is part of the Mission Support and Test Service (MSTS) consortium that manages and operates the US Nevada National Security Site. The site is used for tests that “provide data relevant to improving our predictive capability and for certification of the current and future stockpile”23 MSTS is also contracted for producing nuclear weapon “components (primary, secondary, non-nuclear)” as well as “strategic materials capabilities and productions”.24 The consortium was awarded a 10 year contract in 2017, with a potential value of $9.2 billion.25


Investments compared

Click on the institution to see if and how they've invested in the past. Red indicates a new investor in 2021. Green indicates investors that ended their involvement by 2021.

2022 Investments


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2021 Investments


60 Financial institutions made $34,923.1 million available in the research period January 2019- January 2021.

All forms of financing meeting the definition of substantive financial relationships are included in the report. This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2019, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2020. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

2020 Investments


91 Financial institutions made $78,023.9 million available in the research period January 2018-2020.

This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2018, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2019. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

2019 Investments


91 Financial institutions made $79,523.9 million available in the research period January 2017-2019.

This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2017, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2018. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

Last updated: 2025-02-19 20:41:56



  1. What we do (2022) | Honeywell. Available at:
  2. ‘2021 Annual Report. The Future is what we make it’, Honeywell (2022), p. 14. Available at:
  3. Mehta, Aaron,‘Northrop teams with Lockheed on ICBM replacement. Here’s who else is involved’, Defense News, 16 September 2019. Available at:; ‘Our Sentinel (GBSD) nationwide team will involve over 10,000 people across the United States directly working on this vital national security program’, Northrop Grumman (2020). Available at: Northrop Grumman GBSD Nationwide Team.
  4. CONTRACT to HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. | USAspending’, 14 May 2018. Available at: Accessed: 17 October 2022).
  5. CONTRACT to HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. | USAspending’, 21 March 2022. Available at: Accessed: 17 October 2022).(Accessed: 17 October 2022).
  6. FEDERAL SOLUTIONS - PERFORMANCE YOU CAN TRUST (2022) | Honeywell Aerospace. Available at: Federal Solutions (
  7. Ibid.
  8. Nuclear Security Mission (2021) | Kansas City National Security Campus. Available at:
  9. Kansas City National Security Campus contract (2017) Available at: (Accessed: 4 October 2022).
  10. ‘W88 Alteration 370 Program’ (2022). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at:
  11. CONTRACT to HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. | USAspending. 9 July 2015. Available at: CONTRACT to HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC. | USAspending (Accessed: 4 October 2022).
  13. ‘W88 Alteration 370 Program’ (2022). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at:
  14. ‘W76-1 Life Extension Program’ (2019). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at:
  15. ‘W80-4 Life Extension Program’ (2022). National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at:
  16. ‘B61-12 Life Extension Program’ (2021), National Nuclear Security Administration. Available at:
  17. CONTRACT to NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS OF SANDIA, LLC | USAspending, 18 January 2017. Available at:CONTRACT to | USAspending (Accessed: 4 October 2022); About Sandia (2022) | Sandia National Laboratories. Available at: About Sandia – Sandia National Laboratories.
  18. Universities Research Association, Inc., (URA), is a consortium of over 90 leading research-oriented universities, primarily in the United States, and in Canada, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom. More information found here:
  19. NNSA Awards Sandia National Laboratories Management & Operating Contract to National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS). Available at:
  20. Our Parent Companies (2010) | SRNS. Available at:
  21. Amy F. Woolf and James D. Werner (2021) ‘The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Overview of Department of Energy Sites’, Congressional Research Service, pp. 19-35. Available at:
  22. U.S. Department of Energy Extends Fluor-led Savannah River Site Management and Operating Contract through September 2027. FLUOR News Release, 29 September 2022. Available at:
  23. ‘FY 2022 - DOE/NNSA Strategic Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP)’, (2021), p. 6. Available at: FY22 NTESS PEMP Final.pdf (
  24. Ibid.
  25. CONTRACT to MISSION SUPPORT AND TEST SERVICES LLC | USAspending, 1 August 2017. Available at: CONTRACT to MISSION SUPPORT AND TEST SERVICES LLC | USAspending (Accessed: 4 October 2022).