Who invests?

Don’t Bank on the Bomb does not list every single investment into the companies listed as part of the nuclear weapon industry. This selection of financial institutions is limited by a reporting threshold. Only share and bond holdings of at least 0.5% of the total number of outstanding shares or bonds of the nuclear weapon producing companies are listed. The reason for this is practical: a threshold of 0.1% for example would have resulted in a report profiling nearly 3,000 financial institutions, with mostly minuscule investments. Instead, this report focuses on the institutional investors which were found to have the most significant investments in one or more of the selected companies.

The information is also limited to information available in the public domain. Although the sources on which the information is based are reputable and well-known, they are themselves not comprehensive. The numbers provided in the report are therefore a conservative estimation of the total global investments in the nuclear weapons industry.

2024 share-and bondholding

Only financial institutions which own at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds of one or more of the fully profiled companies at most recent filing dates are listed. As of August 2024, data was collected at the most recent filing date, which in most cases corresponds to June 28th, 2024. All figures are in USD millions.

2024 loans and underwriting

 Financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2022 are listed. In addition, to provide a fuller picture of the overall credit granted to the nuclear weapons producing companies, participation in loans which have been closed before that date, but have not matured before 1 October 2023, is included. All figures are in USD millions.