Jacobs Solutions

Jacobs Solutions is involved in nuclear weapon modernisation operations for the UK and US nuclear arsenals.

Nuclear Weapons |  Investments (years compared) (2021) (2020) (2019)

Company Profile

Jacobs Engineering Group, based in the United States, provides services including consulting, technical, scientific and project delivery for the government and private sector.1 Jacobs Engineering completed its acquisition of another nuclear weapon component producer, CH2M Hill, in 2017.2 In the financial year ending 27 September 2021, Jacobs Engineering generated revenues of $14.1 billion.3

Stock exchange listing


Contact information

1999 Bryan Street, Ste. 1200
Dallas, TX 75201 USA
Website: http://www.jacobs.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JacobsConnects/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobsconnects/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jacobs/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JacobsConnects
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jacobsworldwide

Nuclear weapons

Formerly known as the Nevada Test Site, the Nevada National Security Site maintains facilities related to nuclear weapon modernisation and stockpiling. It retains the capability to resume full-scale nuclear testing within a couple years, at the discretion of the US President.4 Mission Support and Test Services LLC (MSTS) manages and operates the site. MSTS is a limited liability company consisting of Honeywell International Inc., Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., and Stoller Newport News Nuclear, Inc. (part of Huntington Ingalls Industries).5 The ten-year contract is worth $9,2 billion and is set to expire in November 2027.6


Investments compared

Click on the institution to see if and how they've invested in the past. Red indicates a new investor in 2021. Green indicates investors that ended their involvement by 2021.

2022 Investments


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2021 Investments


39 Financial institutions made $4,778 million available in the research period January 2019- January 2021.

All forms of financing meeting the definition of substantive financial relationships are included in the report. This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2019, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2020. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

2020 Investments


40 Financial institutions made $7,616 million available in the research period January 2018-2020.

This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2018, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2019. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

2019 Investments


62 Financial institutions made $15,394 million available in the research period January 2017-2019.

This comprises financial institutions participating in loans and underwriting deals since 1 January 2017, as well as those involved in loans which have been closed before that date but have not yet matured before 1 October 2018. For (managing) investments in shares or bonds of arms companies, a group-level threshold of at least 0.5% of the outstanding shares or bonds at most recent filing dates is applied per financial institution.

Last updated: 2025-02-19 20:45:47



  1. ‘Jacobs 2022 Factsheet’, Jacobs Engineering (2022). Available at: https://www.jacobs.com/sites/default/files/2022-09/Jacobs_Company_Factsheet2022.pdf.
  2. Jacobs Completes CH2M Acquisition, Creating $15 Billion Professional Services Leader Focused on Delivering Innovative Solutions for a More Connected, Sustainable World. Jacobs, 18 December 2017. Available at: Investor Relations | Jacobs – Jacobs Completes CH2M Acquisition, Creating $15 Billion Professional Services Leader Focused on Delivering Innovative Solutions for a More Connected, Sustainable World.
  3. ‘2021 Integrated Annual Report. Boldly moving forward’, Jacobs (2022), p.1. Available at: https://s29.q4cdn.com/159670324/files/doc_financials/2021/ar/2021_Integrated_Annual_Report.pdf.
  4. Amy F. Woolf and James D. Werner (2021) ‘The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Overview of Department of Energy Sites’, Congressional Research Service, pp. 16-18. Available at: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R45306 
  5. NNSA Awards Nevada National Security Site Management & Operating Contract to Mission Support and Test Services, LLC. Energy.gov. Available at: https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/articles/nnsa-awards-nevada-national-security-site-management-operating-0 (Accessed: 5 October 2022). 
  6. CONTRACT to MISSION SUPPORT AND TEST SERVICES LLC. | USAspending, 1 August 2017. Available at: CONTRACT to MISSION SUPPORT AND TEST SERVICES LLC | USAspending (Accessed: 5 October 2022).