Lockheed Martin is involved in both UK and US nuclear weapon production as a provider of key services and components for nuclear armed missiles.
Nuclear Weapons | Investments (years compared) (2021) (2020) (2019)
Nuclear weapons
Lockheed Martin is producing command and control systems and, as part of the Northrop Grumman team, is responsible for missile payload integration for the Sentinel, the new US Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.3
Lockheed Martin has been the principal designer, manufacturer and sustainer of Minuteman III re-entry systems since the 1960s and anticipates continuing through 2030.4 The company has several outstanding contracts for work on the Minuteman III ICBM system, including a five-year $2.9 billion contract awarded in 20185, a ten year contract awarded in 2019, valued at $468.5 million6, and a three year $240.9 million contract, also awarded in 20197, the latter two for the Minuteman re-entry systems.
Lockheed Martin is also contracted to design and develop a fully functional prototype for the Airborne Launch Control System Replacement (ALCS-R) program, under a $94.3 million contract. The contract states that “ALCS-R will deliver an affordable total system replacement of the legacy ALCS to support the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system through estimated 2036 and provide a solution to meet the survivable launch platform – airborne fire control requirements for the ground based strategic deterrent weapon system through 2075”.8
The US Navy is also planning to use the Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Hercules aircraft for nuclear command and communications, specifically in a Take Charge And Move Out (TACAMO) role.9
Lockheed Martin is responsible for the construction of the Trident II (D5) nuclear missiles for both the UK and the US10 It has several outstanding contracts related to Trident production, valued at more than $6.3 billion, some of which planned to continue through at least 2028.11
In addition, some contracts, like one awarded in April 2019 for “engineering and technical support services and deliverable materials for the Trident II Fleet Ballistic Missile System”, were arranged by the US Department of Defense, but the nearly $18 million will be paid for by the UK Government.12 For another four-year, $63.8 million Trident contract, the US government is awarding to the company even though it “cannot establish in advance or accurately forecast the following: The exact nature and extent of the work covered by this contact; The precise method of performing the work; and The cost of performing the work.”13
Investments compared
Click on the institution to see if and how they've invested in the past. Red indicates a new investor in 2021. Green indicates investors that ended their involvement by 2021.
Last updated: 2025-02-19 20:55:52
- About Us (2022) | Lockheed Martin. Available at: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/who-we-are.html.
- ‘Lockheed Martin Corporation 2021 Annual Report’, Lockheed Martin (2022) p. 30. Available at: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/eo/documents/annual-reports/lockheed-martin-annual-report-2021.pdf.
- Mehta, Aaron,‘Northrop teams with Lockheed on ICBM replacement. Here’s who else is involved’, Defense News, 16 September 2019. Available at: https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/afa-air-space/2019/09/16/northrop-teams-with-lockheed-on-icbm-replacement-heres-who-else-is-involved/
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM (2022) | Lockheed Martin. Available at: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile | Lockheed Martin.
- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile ICBM (2022) | Lockheed Martin. Available at: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile | Lockheed Martin.
- IDV to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending’, 5 June 2019. Available at: IDV to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed 5 October 2022).
- Contracts for August 4, 2021 (2021) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: > U.S. Department of Defense > Contract (Accessed: 6 October 2022);
CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending’, 22 October 2019. Available at: CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 6 October 2022). - Contracts for October 3, 2017 (2017) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/1333296// (Accessed: 5 October 2022);CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending’, 3 October 2017. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_FA820418C0009_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 5 October 2022).
- Jennings, Gareth, ‘US Navy accelerates TACAMO nuclear communications recap plan’, Janes.com, 15 June 2021. Available at: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/us-navy-accelerates-tacamo-nuclear-communications-recap-plan .
- Trident II D5 Fleet Ballistic Missile (2022) | Lockheed Martin. Available at: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/trident-ii-d5-fleet-ballistic-missile.html.
- CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 14 July 2016. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_N0003016C0100_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 5 October 2022); Contracts for January 31, 2020 (2020) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/2071889// (Accessed: 5 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 31 January 2020. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_N0003020C0101_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 5 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 30 August 2019. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_N0003019C0100_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 5 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 7 August 2020. Available at: https://usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_N0003020C0100_9700_-NONE-_-NONE- (Accessed: 5 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 8 August 2018. Available at: CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 6 October 2022);
CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 31 July 2020. Available at: https://www.usaspending.gov/award/CONT_AWD_S3309A20F0001_9700_N0003019G0053_9700 (Accessed: 6 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 10 August 2021. Available at: CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 6 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 1 March 2021. Available at: CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 6 October 2022); CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending, 16 June 2021. Available at: CONTRACT to LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 6 October 2022); Contracts for August 18, 2022 (2022) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: > U.S. Department of Defense > Contract (Accessed: 5 October 2022). - Contracts for April 1, 2019 (2019) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract/Article/1802502// (Accessed: 6 October 2022).
- Definitive Contract N0003018C0023 - GovTribe (2021) GovTribe. Available at: https://govtribe.com/award/federal-contract-award/definitive-contract-n0003018c0023 (Accessed: 6 October 2022); FY19 United Kingdom (UK) Technical Support Contract (TSC) - GovTribe, Award Notice Solicitation # N0003018R0023. Available at: https://govtribe.com/opportunity/federal-contract-opportunity/fy19-united-kingdom-uk-technical-support-contract-tsc-n0003018r0023 (Accessed: 17 October 2022).