
Moog has an outstanding contract with the US Department of Defence to replace the arm/disarm switches on the Minuteman III weapon system.1 The company also includes information on its website about producing electrohydraulic TVC systems for the Trident system, but no current contracts were identified. Moreover, this part is also usable in devices that are not specifically designed for nuclear weapons.2 It therefore falls outside of the scope of this report, so a full profile is not included. Some financial institutions choose to exclude Moog for this and for the legacy involvement in the Trident D5 system the company advertises on its website.3

Last updated: 2024-06-20 11:52:35

  1. CONTRACT to MOOG INC.| USAspending’, 11 June 2020. Available at: (Accessed: 27 October 2022).
  2. Thrust Vector Control Systems (2022) | Moog Inc. Available at:
  3. Recent Financial Performance (2022) | Moog Inc. Available at: