
United Kingdom: Rolls‑Royce is part of a joint venture in the United Kingdom to develop Dreadnought, a new class of nuclear-armed submarine. It is also involved in the maintenance of the existing fleet of Vanguard-class nuclear-armed submarines.

Company Profile

Company Profile

Rolls-Royce is a British company operating in the aerospace, defence and power systems markets.1 For the year 2022, Rolls-Royce reported revenues of £12.6 billion.2

Contact information

Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 GFX

X: @RollsRoyce

Nuclear weapons

Rolls Royce produces key components for the new Dreadnought submarines for the UK nuclear weapons system.3  In 2019, the UK government awarded Rolls-Royce Submarines with a contract worth nearly £480 million for nuclear propulsion power plants.4 Rolls-Royce is also part of the Dreadnought Alliance, a joint management team between the Submarine Delivery Agency (SDA) of the British Ministry of Defence, BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce.5 In May 2022, the Ministry of Defense announced it had awarded additional contracts for the Dreadnought programme of over £2 billion to Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems, as an initial investment within a planned overall total of £10 billion for the whole delivery phase.6


  1.  About (2024) | Rolls-Royce. Available at: About | Rolls-Royce.
  2.  ‘2022 Full Year Results’, Rolls Royce (2023), p. 6. Available at: Full Year Results Presentation 2022 (
  3.  Submarines (2024) | Rolls-Royce. Available at: Submarines | Rolls-Royce.
  4.  ‘The United Kingdom’s future nuclear deterrent: the 2019 update to Parliament’ (2019) GOV.UK. Available at:

  5.  Alliance partners (2024) | Dreadnought Alliance. Available at: Alliance partners – Dreadnought Alliance.

  6.  More than £2 billion to boost UK submarine programme. Government of the United Kingdom, 9 may 2022. Available at: