Textron carries out work for the U.S. Minuteman missiles and is involved in the production of the Sentinel, the new U.S. ICBM.
Nuclear weapons
Textron Systems was awarded a contract in 2014 for multiprobe antennas for the Minuteman missiles. The contract has a $66.1 million potential value and is expected to continue until at least July 2025.[i]
Textron also has a contract for Mod 5F midsections for the Minuteman Missiles. Initially awarded in 2014, the contract is expected to continue until at least March 2025 with an estimated total value of $39.9 million.[ii]
Textron Systems is developing the re-entry system technology for the Sentinel, the new U.S. intercontinental ballistic missile. [iii]
[i] CONTRACT to TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION | USAspending, 27 September 2013. Available at: CONTRACT to TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 11 December 2024);
Contracts for July 12 2019 (2019) U.S. Department of Defense. Available at: > U.S. Department of Defense > Contract (Accessed: 11 December 2024).
[ii] CONTRACT to TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION | USAspending, 6 March 2014. Available at: IDV to TEXTRON SYSTEMS CORPORATION | USAspending (Accessed: 11 December 2024).
[iii] TEXTRON SYSTEMS AWARDED TASK ORDER FOR GROUND BASED STRATEGIC DETERRENT. Textron Systems, 29 September 2020. Available at: Textron Systems Awarded Task Order for Ground Based Strategic Deterrent | Textron Systems.